Wednesday, 5 June 2013

An Epic TripAdvisor Update: Why Not Run on the Cloud? The Grand Experiment.

This is a guest post by Shawn Hsiao, Luke Massa, and Victor Luu. Shawn runs TripAdvisor’s Technical Operations team, Luke and Victor interned on his team this past summer. This post is introduced by Andy Gelfond, TripAdvisor’s head of engineering.

It's been a little over a year since our last post about the TripAdvisor architecture. It has been an exciting year. Our business and team continues to grow, we are now an independent public company, and we have continued to keep/scale our development process and culture as we have grown - we still run dozens of independent teams, and each team continues to work across the entire stack. All that has changed are the numbers:

    56M visitors per month
    350M+ pages requests a day
    120TB+ of warehouse data running on a large Hadoop cluster, and quickly growing

We also had a very successful college intern program that brought on over 60 interns this past summer, all who were quickly on boarded and doing the same kind of work as our full time engineers.

One recurring idea around here is why not run on the cloud? Two of our summer interns, Luke Massa and Victor Luu, took a serious look at this question by deploying a complete version of our site on Amazon Web Services. Here, in their own words, and a lot of technical detail, is their story of what they did this past summer.
Running TripAdvisor on AWS

This summer, at TripAdvisor we worked on an experimental project to evaluate running an entire production site in Amazon’s Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) environment. When we first started to experiment hosting and all international domains in the EC2 environment, the response from many of the members of our engineering organization was very simple: is it really worth paying Amazon when we already own our own hardware? And can it perform as well?

A few months later, as our great experiment in the cloud comes to a close, the answer is, of course, yes and no. We have learned a lot during this time, not only about the amazing benefits and severe pitfalls to AWS, but also how we might improve our architecture in our own, traditional colocation environment. And though we are not (yet?) prepared to flip over the DNS and send all traffic through AWS, its elasticity has proven to be an extremely useful and practical, learning tool!
Project Goals

    Build an entire site using EC2 and demonstrate that we can take production level traffic
    Build a cost model for such an operation
    Identify architectural changes that can help reduce cost and increase scalability
    Use this move to a new platform to find possible improvements in our current architecture


Our goal was to build a fully functioning mirror of our live sites, capable of taking production level traffic. We called it “Project 700k”, because we were attempting to process 700k HTTP requests per minute with the same user experience as our live site. The user experience is to be measured by the request response time statistics. With a lot of fiddling and tweaking, we eventually came up with the following system architecture:

Virtual Private Cloud - All of our servers are hosted in a single VPC, or Virtual Private Cloud. This is Amazon’s way of providing a virtual network in a single geographical region (we happen to US East, Virginia, but theoretically we could spin up a whole new VPC in California, Ireland, etc.), all instances addressing each other with Private IPs.

Subnets - Within the VPC we have two subnets, each currently in the same availability zone for simplicity, but we plan to later spread them out for redundancy. The first subnet has its security settings to allow incoming and outgoing traffic from the internet, which we call the Public Subnet. The second one, the Private Subnet, only allows traffic from the public subnet. The Public Subnet houses a staging server which allows us to ssh into the private subnet, and a set of Load Balancers we’ll address later. All of our servers, memcache, and databases are located in the Private Subnet.

Front and Back end Servers - Front ends are responsible for accepting user requests, processing the requests, and then displaying the requested data to the user, presented with the correct HTML, CSS and javascript. The front ends use Java to handle most of this processing, and may query the memcache or the back ends for additional data. All front ends are created equal and should be carrying similar traffic assuming that the servers are load balanced correctly.

Back end instances are configured to host specific services, like media or vacation rentals. Because of this distribution, some servers are configured to do several smaller jobs, while others are configured to one large job. These servers may also make memcache or database calls to perform their jobs.

Load Balancers - To take full advantage of the elasticity, we use Amazon’s ELBs (Elastic Load Balancers) to manage the front end and back end servers. A front end belongs exclusively to a single pool, and so is listed under only one load balancer. However, a back end could perform several services and so is listed under several load balancers. For example, a back end may be responsible for the search, forums, and community services, and would then be part of those three load balancers. This works because each service communicates on a unique port. All of the front and back end servers are configured to send and receive requests from load balancers, rather than with other instances directly.

Staging Server - An additional staging instance, which we called stage01x, handles requests going into the VPC. It backs up the code base, collects timing and error logs, and allows for ssh into instances. Because stage01x needs to be in the public subnet, it receives an elastic IP from Amazon, which also serviced our public-facing load balancer to our AWS site hosted behind it at the early stages. stage01x also maintains a postgresql database of the servers’ hostnames and services. This serves a vital function in adding new instances and managing them throughout their lifetime, which we’ll discuss later.


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